Being transformed by the presence of God through prayer and worship.

Becoming more like Jesus by being with Him and intentionally following His mission to love God, love others and make disciples.

Out of our connection with God and others, serving the needs of our community and world.
We are a multi-generational church where people are discipled, parents disciple their children, and Christ is the center of everything we do and live for.
Our Pastoral Team

Jason & Nancy Damkoehler

Suraj & Lexi Thomas
Mission, Vision, Values
We exist to know God and make Him known to individuals, to families, to our community, and throughout the world.
To be a kingdom-minded, Christ-exalting, multi-generational community of faith.
At Journey Family Fellowship, we strive to create an environment in which every man, woman, and child can develop an active relationship with the living God through his son, Jesus Christ. Individuals and families covenant to passionately pursue God through daily worship, Bible study, prayer, and Scripture memorization. Families worship, learn, fellowship, and serve together. We equip parents to train and disciple their children. We reach out to the community and the world with the hope of Jesus.
Beliefs & Values
Core beliefs:
- God: There is one God, and He exists forever in three Persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- Father: God the Father is the creator and sustainer of all things.
- Mankind: We were made in the image of God and although we have a tremendous potential for good, we are marred by sin, which separates us from God.
- Son: Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who humbled himself, became a man, lived a sinless life, died to pay the penalty for our sins, and rose again to conquer sin and death forever.
- Salvation: Salvation is a free gift, which we receive when we recognize and repent from our sin, believe in Jesus Christ and his complete work on the cross, receive Him as Savior, and follow Him as Lord.
- Spirit: The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, draws us to faith in Christ, transforms to the image of Jesus, and empowers us with gifts to accomplish God’s purposes.
- Bible: The sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments were written by human authors under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because it was inspired by God it is completely true and serves as the final authority in faith and life.
- Baptism: Baptism is an outward sign of the inner work of salvation that God has already accomplished in a believer.
- Communion: The Lord’s Supper reminds of Christ’s sacrifice until His return.
Core values:
- Worship: We worship God in our homes through daily worship, Bible study, and prayer. We embrace Spirit-led worship of God together as a multi-generational family. Children are encouraged to worship alongside their parents.
- Truth: We study and teach God’s Word with an emphasis on applying truth in our daily lives.
- Discipleship: We equip believers and encourage them to use their gifts for serving others. We equip parents to disciple their children.*
- Prayer: We fervently pray for each other, for our community, and for God’s greater purposes in the world.
- Missions: We support those whom God has called to share the gospel in other places through financial gifts and prayer.